Cognitive Impairment

According to the Mental Health Review Report (2017), there are as many as 100,000 patients with dementia in Hong Kong, which is close to one-tenth of the elderly population at that time. The situation cannot be ignored.

Dementia is not normal aging, but the rapid degeneration and death of the patient's brain cells due to pathological changes, leading to a decline in brain function. Common causes of dementia include:

  • Alzheimer's disease vascular dementia

People with dementia are diagnosed and evaluated by a doctor, including:

  • Medical history Mental status examination with cognitive questionnaire Confirmed by physical examination (eg, blood tests, brain computer scan or MRI, etc.)


the early days

  • Loss of short-term memory Difficulty expressing or understanding abstract things, such as expressing physical discomfort, feelings, etc. Emotional or behavioral changes

mid term

  • Confusion between long-term memory and real situation memory Occasionally, the words do not convey the meaning of the situation Changes in behavior and personality, may be prone to emotional instability and require assistance from others in daily self-care activities

Late period

  • Almost completely dependent on others, unable to take care of themselves Impaired memory, forgetting even familiar people and things Physical activity and mental state decline Failing to express and communicate effectively Unable to cope with daily life Requires long-term care Biological clock disorder

Prevention method:

  • Do more physical activity, do not smoke, avoid alcohol, maintain a healthy diet, maintain social participation, brain health and rest activities

Prevention is better than cure, everyone knows. Preventing dementia can be easy and fun. You and your family can start today.

To learn more about cognitive disabilities, please click on the link below:

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